Our studies show that both genders seem to have common ground, but one factor is VERY important to females.
Generally, we would all agree that when a couple is searching for the perfect club community to join, in most cases, the man picks the golf course and the woman picks the home. In terms of our studies, we tend to agree with that statement, as 81% of our ProGuide3s submitted, are completed my men. However, in the last six months the trend of female participation in the club search has grown significantly, from 2% to 12% of all ProGuide3s completed.
Once we had amassed significant sample sizes (of more than 5,000 completed ProGuide3s) to review the analytics of each gender, we wanted to start with “Motivation.” What internal factors mean the most to both men and women while they are searching for the perfect club to join? Let’s take a look!
In the hierarchy of importance below, are the Top-11 Internal Motivators as ranked by men and women who completed the ProGuide3, and how they compare with one another:
- For a place when I retire
- For social interactions with others
- For quality of life
- For physical activity
- For personal security
- For rest and relaxation
- For high levels of service
- For cultural differences
- For being recognized as an important member
- For legacy reasons
- For a place when I retire
- For quality of life
- For social interactions with others
- For rest and relaxation
- For high levels of service
- For physical activity
- For cultural differences
- For business purposes
- For being recognized as an important member
- For legacy reasons
As you can see, both genders seem to be thinking the same in terms of finding their retirement destination. “Quality of Life” and “Social Interactions” with others, fall second and third, respectively. However, what caught our eye is the level of importance women place on “Personal Security” over men. Males are ranking “Rest and Relaxation” and “High Levels of Service” over “Personal Security,” which indicates a general difference in point of view for finding the perfect club by each gender.
So, what can we take away from this study?
During prospective member visits, be sure to mention to the female about how safe the community is and the “lack thereof” when it comes to crime in the community. We also would like to pass along a great best practice from a club in Boca Raton. Each year the Director of Security hosts an event for new and old members to talk about how safe the club is, how to utilize their security staff when needed, and activities so the members can get to know each of the officers who work for the club.
In conclusion, as club officials we may be taking the security of the club for granted, as we know each of our communities are safe. But for the prospective buyer from the north, a quick mention might make her feel at ease that her family will be safe in the community they buy into.