By Jason Becker, PGA
CEO, Golf Life Navigators
Over the past few months, I have submitted regular postings to my LinkedIn account, to help educate the golf/business community about what is motivating future golf members of private clubs in the Sun Belt. The data has been accrued through the more than 7,000 who have completed our automated ProGuide3 questionnaire.
The two items I have noted below are extremely important to future golf members and should be highlighted if your club has these amenities. Trust me…we are hearing buyers loud and clear!

This major difference of opinion for Prospective Golf Members with an initiation budget of $20,000 vs. $75,000 may be worth discussing at your next Golf Operations meeting.
In a recent study of these two groups of buyers, we found a couple of eye-opening analytics:
- The $20,000 buyer ranks “Reciprocation Privileges” with area clubs #3 (of 20) on their hierarchy of importance list versus the $75,000 buyer, who ranks “Reciprocation Privileges” #12 (of 20). That is likely because the $20,000 buyer stays longer in Florida (into the the reciprocal season) while the $75,000 buyer is typically back up North by Easter.
- “Tee Time Structure” is ranked 8 TIMES HIGHER by the $20,000 group compared to the $75,000 buyer. Respectfully, there were two items that both groups agreed 100% on and ranked #1 and #2 on their hierarchy of importance lists; 1.) Practice Facility; 2.) Golf Shop.
Men vs. Women … A look at one Food and Beverage amenity that is separating each gender’s view of finding the perfect private club to join in the Sun Belt:
55% of buyers say the Food and Beverage component to the club will factor into their decision on whether to join.
Both Men and Women agree that a “Casual” restaurant setting is more desirable over “Formal Dining.”
However, the one amenity that means much more to Men is whether the club is “Open for Breakfast.” In a recent study of each gender’s F/B expectations, we found that Men rank this amenity #5 (of 14) on their hierarchy list. Women are ranking Breakfast #9 (of 14).
A few items that Women find more important than whether the club is Open for Breakfast: Wine Variety, Sports Bar Setting, and A la Carte Service.