Getting as many high-quality leads as possible to you, our Showcase Clubs and Golf-Certified Real Estate Agents, is what drives us at Golf Life Navigators. We’re always looking at better ways to deliver for you. A great example of that are the first steps in what we call our Communications Continuum. This is the process we aggressively follow once a potential club member/home buyer has completed our automated ProGuide3 questionnaire.
For example, immediately after a potential club member/home buyer completes and submits their automated ProGuide3, we send them a text and email thanking them for completing the ProGuide3 and providing a link to their “best-matched” clubs so they may revisit them as they desire. This along with all our Communications Continuum “touches” gives the potential member the opportunity to opt-in to immediate contact from both the Club and/or the assigned GLN Golf-Certified Real Estate Agent.
Should the potential member indicate they’re looking to transition in 12 months or less, we move quickly – a member of our Golf Life Navigators 0 – 12 Month Call Team, who’s assigned by region, calls them within 10 minutes. Our goal is simple and straightforward – to get the potential club member/home buyer to allow us to immediately push them to Showcase Clubs and the GLN Golf-Certified Agent assigned to their #1 best-matched club.
We believe in the power of communications, with one clear goal in mind – refer as many, high-quality, opt-in leads to you as possible.
Thanks for your commitment to Golf Life Navigators!