The Why Factor
Why do you need Golf Life Navigators?
With hundreds of club membership options in Florida, it’s near impossible to know what life is like in each one, let alone sift through them all to find the proper fit for your lifestyle. That is, without help from Golf Life Navigators. Our expertise is golf memberships, and we ensure every client is yoked with custom club membership options that match their personal preferences.
Why now?
It’s never too soon to plan for the future and narrow down your choices for the ideal club membership, even if your plans to join a club are several months or years away. There’s too much at stake to leave to chance, and you don’t want to be forced into making a last-minute decision.
Why are some members unhappy with their golf memberships?
When a club isn’t matched well with a member, it’s usually not the fault of the particular club. Rather, it’s because the member didn’t take the time to truly understand what kind of club they wanted in the first place. In Florida, there are 1,200+ clubs to consider and we’re confident we can help you find one that is a perfect match. ProGuide3, our revolutionary golf personality assessment tool, is designed to help you identify your true wants and desires. It’s a critical first step in the club selection process and you won’t find anything else like it … anywhere.
Why does Golf Life Navigators do what it does?
We’ve seen dissatisfied golf club members firsthand and recognize the challenges they faced when choosing a club with no guidance, no roadmap and no understanding of what they were getting into. We decided to do something about it and formed the country’s first company dedicated to helping Floridians find a golf membership they’ll be happy with. And nobody offers what we can, backed by PGA professionals who have 70+ years combined experience in Florida private club living.