Lindsey Moore
The Legacy Group SC, LLC
(803) 727-6504
About Lindsey
Lindsey Moore’s real estate career brings together her passion for hospitality and love for serving people with a long-time interest in architecture, historic preservation, and residential design. She graduated from the College of Charleston in 2001 and earned a Masters in Architectural History & Preservation from the University of Virginia in 2003. She also holds a second Masters degree from Columbia International University (2010). Her business is built on the foundation of protecting her clients’ best interests at all times while helping them achieve financial success and enhanced quality of life.
After living in South Carolina for more than 40 years, Lindsey has inside knowledge of all the things that make her state truly special. In 2021, she fulfilled a lifelong goal of becoming the broker-in-charge of her own independent agency, designing it to bring fresh creativity to the industry while helping both clients and agents on her team experience next-level success in their personal real estate goals. Within the first two years of operation, this brokerage has consistently ranked in the top 20% of all brokerages in their primary market with a small team. Lindsey and her husband David reside primarily in Northeast Columbia where they are members of the Wildewood Country Club. They also enjoy membership in the Seabrook Island Club near Charleston, South Carolina. In addition to real estate, Lindsey enjoys art, antiques, reading, and assisting as one of the parent directors of a local golf team for homeschooled students.